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Skills training

Communication Strategies for Families and Caregivers

Communication Strategies for Families and Caregivers is a FREE, on-line training for people who are supporting an adult loved one who is living with a serious mental illness. This training is meant to provide information and teach strategies for building strong communication skills and designed in short modules, to fit into a caregivers’ busy schedule.

The first 35 people to complete the training and pre- and post-surveys will receive a $10 gift card.

This foundational training is being used by the FACTS Program team to test whether this type of online, on-demand approach and content is useful for families and caregivers, before we expand to more detailed, diagnosis specific trainings. Family and caregiver input will be used to guide all trainings, support services and resources offered by the FACTS Program now and in the future.

Additional trainings for families and caregivers

Below is a list of other free training courses for families and caregivers from UW Medicine colleagues and community partners.

Psychosis REACH: Teaches concrete, evidence-based skills based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Experts in CBT for Psychosis and Family Interventions partnered with families with lived experience to develop this training model.

Memory Hub: A collaboration between Harborview’s Memory and Brain Wellness Clinic and the Alzheimer’s Association, the Memory Hub offers support, education, and social programs for people whose loved ones are living with dementia.

NAMI Family to Family: The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is a national organization with local affiliates throughout the Puget Sound region. The NAMI Family-to-Family program is a free, 8-session educational program for family and friends of people living with mental health conditions. It is taught by NAMI-trained family members who have their own lived experience and includes presentations, discussions and interactive exercises.